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<div class="img"><center><img src=""; width=auto% height=auto alt="Locations" usemap="#Locations"></center>{<style>body { background-color: black; }</style><audio src="" autoplay> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio><audio src="" autoplay loop> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio><map name = "Locations"> [<area shape= "poly" coords = "507,279,578,304,556,369,491,337" alt="FirstPassage" >]<HookLink1|(click: ?HookLink1)[(goto: "0")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "567,348,565,373,581,373,584,358" alt="SecondPassage" >]<HookLink2|(click: ?HookLink2)[(goto: "1")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "585,383,562,403,608,421,625,400" alt="ThirdPassage" >]<HookLink3|(click: ?HookLink3)[(goto: "2")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "601,287,592,359,694,393,728,322" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink4|(click: ?HookLink4)[(goto: "3")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "146,359,177,366,181,383,149,378" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink5|(click: ?HookLink5)[(goto: "4")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "252,340,370,335,376,363,253,379" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink6|(click: ?HookLink6)[(goto: "5")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "386,332,393,371,436,371,423,335" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink7|(click: ?HookLink7)[(goto: "6")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "441,306,471,310,471,343,453,343" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink8|(click: ?HookLink8)[(goto: "7")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "195,355,204,385,237,374,239,350" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink9|(click: ?HookLink9)[(goto: "8")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "37,347,104,321,128,384,74,419" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink10|(click: ?HookLink10)[(goto: "Desktop")][<area shape= "poly" coords = "79,305,15,332,6,17,33,22" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink11|(click: ?HookLink11)[(goto: "10")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "50,427,6,456,1,343,15,345" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink12|(click: ?HookLink12)[(goto: "Untitled Passage")][<area shape= "poly" coords = "89,465,182,457,207,587,164,596,99,565,85,492" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink13|(click: ?HookLink13)[(goto: "12")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "406,390,478,406,477,424,406,432" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink14|(click: ?HookLink14)[(goto: "13")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "518,425,645,467,628,560,521,520" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink15|(click: ?HookLink15)[(goto: "14")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "229,217,365,208,362,286,238,298" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink16|(click: ?HookLink16)[(goto: "15")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "347,310,385,310,381,324,357,323" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink17|(click: ?HookLink17)[(goto: "16")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "129,252,222,234,225,301,147,320" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink18|(click: ?HookLink18)[(goto: "17")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "99,302,112,296,124,299,136,343,123,349" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink19|(click: ?HookLink19)[(goto: "18")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "469,264,494,265,494,301,466,301" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink20|(click: ?HookLink20)[(goto: "19")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "417,245,410,302,433,307,457,278,461,270" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink21|(click: ?HookLink21)[(goto: "20")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "373,240,405,244,398,303,367,298" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink22|(click: ?HookLink22)[(goto: "21")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "501,429,263,480,294,597,490,597" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink23|(click: ?HookLink23)[(goto: "22")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "710,402,797,433,790,516,699,484" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink24|(click: ?HookLink24)[(goto: "23")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "740,303,734,364,771,368,782,309" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink25|(click: ?HookLink25)[(goto: "24")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "778,400,800,406,800,310" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink26|(click: ?HookLink26)[(goto: "25")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "510,188,511,244,571,238,559,198" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink27|(click: ?HookLink27)[(goto: "26")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "329,120,334,165,404,169,386,147" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink28|(click: ?HookLink28)[(goto: "27")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "72,73,175,63,192,195,124,214" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink29|(click: ?HookLink29)[(goto: "28")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "403,35,528,41,534,162,418,147" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink30|(click: ?HookLink30)[(goto: "29")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "795,67,599,50,599,186,800,218" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink31|(click: ?HookLink31)[(goto: "30")] </map>}
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<center> <div class="glitch_word_box"> <div class="line"></div> <h1 id="word" class="glitch_word0">You don't really want to open that.</h1> <h1 id="word1" class="glitch_word1">You don't really want to open that.</h1> <h1 id="word2" class="glitch_word2">You don't really want to open that.</h1> </div></center> {<style> .glitch_word_box { height: 100px; line-height: 100px; position: relative; -webkit-animation: disappear 1s linear; -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite, infinite; -moz-animation: disappear 1s linear; -moz-animation-iteration-count: infinite, infinite; -o-animation: disappear 1s linear; -o-animation-iteration-count: infinite, infinite; } .glitch_word_box .glitch_word0 { position: absolute; width: 100%; } .glitch_word_box .glitch_word1 { color:#89cff0; font-weight: bolder; left: -2px; position: absolute; top: -2px; width: 100%; z-index: -1; -webkit-animation: animate_glitch_1 .2s linear; -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite; -moz-animation: animate_glitch_1 .2s linear; -moz-animation-iteration-count: infinite; -o-animation: animate_glitch_1 .2s linear; -o-animation-iteration-count: infinite; } .glitch_word_box .glitch_word2 { color: white; font-weight: bolder; left: 2px; position: absolute; top: 2px; width: 100%; z-index: -1; -webkit-animation: animate_glitch_2 .3s linear; -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite; -moz-animation: animate_glitch_2 .3s linear; -moz-animation-iteration-count: infinite; -o-animation: animate_glitch_2 .3s linear; -o-animation-iteration-count: infinite; } @-webkit-keyframes disappear { 0% { opacity: 0; } 2% { opacity: 1; } } @-webkit-keyframes animate_glitch_1 { 0% { top: 1px; left: 1px; } 25% { top: 3px; left: 2px; } 50% { top: -1px; left: -4px; } 75% { top: 2px; left: 5px; } 100% { top: 1px; left: -2px; } } @-webkit-keyframes animate_glitch_2 { 0% { top: -1px; left: -1px; } 25% { top: -3px; left: -2px; } 50% { top: 1px; left: 4px; } 100% { top: -1px; left: -1px; } } @-moz-keyframes disappear { 0% { opacity: 0; } 2% { opacity: 1; } } @-moz-keyframes animate_glitch_1 { 0% { top: 1px; left: 1px; } 25% { top: 3px; left: 2px; } 50% { top: -1px; left: -4px; } 75% { top: 2px; left: 5px; } 100% { top: 1px; left: -2px; } } @-moz-keyframes animate_glitch_2 { 0% { top: -1px; left: -1px; } 25% { top: -3px; left: -2px; } 50% { top: 1px; left: 4px; } 100% { top: -1px; left: -1px; } } @-o-keyframes disappear { 0% { opacity: 0; } 2% { opacity: 1; } } @-o-keyframes animate_glitch_1 { 0% { top: 1px; left: 1px; } 25% { top: 3px; left: 2px; } 50% { top: -1px; left: -4px; } 75% { top: 2px; left: 5px; } 100% { top: 1px; left: -2px; } } @-o-keyframes animate_glitch_2 { 0% { top: -1px; left: -1px; } 25% { top: -3px; left: -2px; } 50% { top: 1px; left: 4px; } 100% { top: -1px; left: -1px; } }</style><style>body { background-color: black; } </style> (live: 4s)[(goto: "Untitled Passage")] <audio src="" autoplay loop> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio>}
{<style>body { background-color: blue; } </style>} <span style="color:white;"> (set: $s to (text-style: "rumble")) <h3><center><p class="wiggle"> [An exemption has occured at 8̷̢̡̢͍̰̘̮͚̘̜̞̗͙̬͈̻̟̬̥̳͎̹̳͔̑͂͑̋̄̑̿̿̀͆͋̑͒͌̄͌͑̏͋̋̅̑̆̂́̈͌̈́́̈́́̐̆̑͐̐́̌͜͜͝͝͝͠7̸̧̧̡̫̯̯̮͕͉̮̤̙͙̗̫̥̺̰̻͈̏9̴̧̨̛̩̣̪̭̔̈́5̵̛͚͈̮͓̺̖̜͉̐̎͑́̄́́͆̄̃̾̓͋͑̅̓͗͒̑͗̓̈́̉͌͌͛́͊̌̿̈̒͒͒̅͊͠͠͝͝6̶̨̛̛̛̹̬̣͇͎͎̘͕̈́̎̂̽̒͐͑̋̈́͌̒͆̚͝͝͝ͅ.̸̨̱̘̝̦̩͔̠͙͈̼̜̱̺͎̪̻̤͇̈́̏̋̄̊͛͆̒̋̈̋̚̕͝4̵̛̣̾̎͊̔̔͂̆̐̓͊̎̈̎̓̃̏̕͘͝3̸̡̨̧̢̛̳͎͔̩͈͕̮̹̦̼̗̝͉͓̪̣͖̮̰̟̭͎̙̠̺̻͎͚̖̞̭͊̀̂̐́̏̓̈́̊͛̉̈́̉́̐̒͊̀͑́̌̍̓̇̑͂̆͆̈̐͊͊̈̐͛̆̌̌̕̕͜͠͝2̸̨̯̜̝͖͉̭̖̏̅̓͗̊̂͑̅̇͋̂̀̀̊̊̅̏͛̋̓̅̐̓͋̿̿̿̊̈́̓̆̄̎͐̚͝͝3̸̢̡̛͚̘͕̮̖̤̪͖̪͔̪͈̞͒͆͌̍̉̔̏̌͂̉̒͛͐̓͊̒̀̃̿́̅̏͌̈́́̇̑͂̈́͌͌̓̑̈́̕͘̚̕̕͠͝͝2̷̢̨̧̧̛̛̛̟̮̬͍͚̮̟̟̬̙͙̜͙̱͇͕͔͇͐̾̓̿̓̇̒̑̃̓̅̔͗͊͌̉͜ͅ0̸͈̄̄͗́͗͌͋̽̂̉̽́̐̎̔͑́̆͘̕̕͜͠͠ͅ0̶̡̡̨̢͙̤̰̺͎͇͈͚̺͓͇̰̲̰̰̩͓̩̝̮̳͚̮͕̞͎͇̈́̐̓̄͒͑̊͛̂͌̓̔̎̓̅̀̎̎̏̎̀́̇̋́͗̕̕̚̕͜ͅͅ (09) + 0000000489. This was called from 8̶̡̧̨̘̞̻̳͖̯͈̺̥̝̘̼͙͇̺͛̈̏̀̃̒̏̐̈̄̑͜͠ͅu̶̡͉̓͂̔̓͋͋͐̈̀́̿̾͆̈6̶͙̖͕̹̮̣̣̂̔̿̋̕7̴̨̧̡̢̨̳̻̤͙̹̯̰̠͉̥͉̟̮̣̦͙̪̮͚̍̅̏̈́͒̑͊̃͆̈́͆́̔̍͆̕̕̚͘͝ͅ9̷̡̛͖͇̱͕͓̰͓͚̗̹̘̼͔͔̟̣̙͍̲̅̏͑͂̓̿̃̐͒̊̒͌̆͂6̸̨̨̛̰̬͔̮̬͍̪͎͖͖̻̰̟̪͉͇̽̒̈̊̇̈́̎̌̔͊͂̚ͅͅ8̸̢̧̢̝̼̺̜̪̲̭̩̥̼̘͕͍̗͓͈̜̰́̈̐̏̈́̌͆̔̓͐̂͗̍̒̒̓̾̕͘͠ͅͅ0̷̢̛̛̛̛̥͚̜͔̘̫́̊̇͂͐̉͆̑̒̌̇̏͘.̴̡̳̙̩̣̖̬͔̩̲̻͉͔̰̮̝̤̮̲͑̆̽̋̿̅͆8̷̨̣̖̹̺̭̺̦̜̏̽̀͑̊̐9̸̢̦̖͓̘͓̠̩̮̪͎̗̑͒̃̈̈̏̄̓̃͘͘7̷̛̛̳͈͉̩̯̲̈̔́̂͂̈́̓̓̋͋̍̍̃̓̋̈́̂̉͌̋̚͝t̵̨̨̳͇̲̗̫͇̬̠̥̠̦͓̥̼͗̏͊̉͛̋͌̊͐͒͝6̸̙̫̪̩̮̌̈̽̈̔͝ͅͅͅ5̸̧̛̣̲̗̺̟̞͇̞̭̪͉͍̘͖̤̹̙̹͆̒̽̽̉̓͌̇̆̃̃̇̒̅̂̆̾̀̚͠8̸̡̰̣͕͉̘̭̙̳͖̱͈̻̯̮͕̗͕͓̓̈́̊̑̇̀̾́̎̈̋̈́̌̐͋̉̚͝͝ͅͅ9̴̢̡͔͈̯̳͉̮̼͔͓̘̰͔̖͔̲͓͎̀̔̅̓̍̈́̈̏͛̂̅̾̊̏̊̚̚̕͝͝ͅ5̵̨̥̘̰̞͓̤̟͉͎̓̏̃̍̊̈́́̀̓̓̚͝͝͝͠ 0891 in stack (04) = 0000000000. Y̶̢̧̤̹̟͚̭̭̟͖͖̙̦͈̥͔͔̌̎͛̀͗͗͐̈́̌͛͜ͅǫ̵̻̝̖̖͎̭̦̤͎͖̘͓̰͖͚̳̝͙͌͌̀̅̄̅ų̵̢̹̰̰̺̦͎̙̮̭͚͛r̸̨̢̝̘̰͚̜͍̤͍̺̽̄̄̍͑̊̍͂͛̀̀͐̚͝͝ͅ ̴̡̡̢̧͓̳̺̗͚̦͓͔̥̬̪̼͓̙̫̼̙̞̽̀̾̀̾́̑̾̽̍͆̽̓̌̂̂̀͘̚͝͝ͅͅ computer will autorestart in 1.5 seconds.]</p></center></h3></span> {<style> @keyframes wiggle { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 80% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 85% { transform: rotate(5deg); } 95% { transform: rotate(-5deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(0deg); } } p.wiggle { display: inline-block; animation: wiggle .1s infinite; } p.wiggle:hover { animation: none; } </style>} (live: 1.5s)[(goto: "Untitled Passage")] <audio src="" autoplay loop> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio>
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<style> body { background-image: url(""); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:100% 100%; ; } </style> <audio src="" autoplay loop> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio> (live: 4s)[(goto: "Untitled Passage")]
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<center><div class="img"><img src=""; width=auto height=auto alt="Locations" usemap="#Locations"></div></center>{<audio src="" autoplay loop> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> </audio><map name = "Locations">[<area shape= "poly" coords = "507,279,578,304,556,369,491,337" alt="FirstPassage" >]<HookLink1|(click: ?HookLink1)[(goto: "0")][<area shape= "poly" coords = "567,348,565,373,581,373,584,358" alt="SecondPassage" >]<HookLink2|(click: ?HookLink2)[(goto: "1")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "585,383,562,403,608,421,625,400" alt="ThirdPassage" >]<HookLink3|(click: ?HookLink3)[(goto: "2")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "601,287,592,359,694,393,728,322" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink4|(click: ?HookLink4)[(goto: "3")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "146,359,177,366,181,383,149,378" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink5|(click: ?HookLink5)[(goto: "4")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "252,340,370,335,376,363,253,379" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink6|(click: ?HookLink6)[(goto: "5")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "386,332,393,371,436,371,423,335" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink7|(click: ?HookLink7)[(goto: "6")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "441,306,471,310,471,343,453,343" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink8|(click: ?HookLink8)[(goto: "7")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "195,355,204,385,237,374,239,350" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink9|(click: ?HookLink9)[(goto: "8")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "37,347,104,321,128,384,74,419" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink10|(click: ?HookLink10)[(goto: "Desktop")][<area shape= "poly" coords = "79,305,15,332,6,17,33,22" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink11|(click: ?HookLink11)[(goto: "10")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "50,427,6,456,1,343,15,345" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink12|(click: ?HookLink12)[(goto: "11")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "89,465,182,457,207,587,164,596,99,565,85,492" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink13|(click: ?HookLink13)[(goto: "12")][<area shape= "poly" coords = "406,390,478,406,477,424,406,432" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink14|(click: ?HookLink14)[(goto: "13")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "518,425,645,467,628,560,521,520" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink15|(click: ?HookLink15)[(goto: "14")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "229,217,365,208,362,286,238,298" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink16|(click: ?HookLink16)[(goto: "15")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "347,310,385,310,381,324,357,323" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink17|(click: ?HookLink17)[(goto: "16")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "129,252,222,234,225,301,147,320" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink18|(click: ?HookLink18)[(goto: "17")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "99,302,112,296,124,299,136,343,123,349" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink19|(click: ?HookLink19)[(goto: "18")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "469,264,494,265,494,301,466,301" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink20|(click: ?HookLink20)[(goto: "19")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "417,245,410,302,433,307,457,278,461,270" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink21|(click: ?HookLink21)[(goto: "20")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "373,240,405,244,398,303,367,298" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink22|(click: ?HookLink22)[(goto: "21")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "501,429,263,480,294,597,490,597" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink23|(click: ?HookLink23)[(goto: "22")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "710,402,797,433,790,516,699,484" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink24|(click: ?HookLink24)[(goto: "23")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "740,303,734,364,771,368,782,309" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink25|(click: ?HookLink25)[(goto: "24")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "778,400,800,406,800,310" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink26|(click: ?HookLink26)[(goto: "25")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "510,188,511,244,571,238,559,198" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink27|(click: ?HookLink27)[(goto: "26")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "329,120,334,165,404,169,386,147" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink28|(click: ?HookLink28)[(goto: "27")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "72,73,175,63,192,195,124,214" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink29|(click: ?HookLink29)[(goto: "28")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "403,35,528,41,534,162,418,147" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink30|(click: ?HookLink30)[(goto: "29")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "795,67,599,50,599,186,800,218" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink31|(click: ?HookLink31)[(goto: "30")] </map>}
<div class="img"><center><img src=""; width=auto% height=auto alt="Locations" usemap="#Locations"></center></div> {<audio src="" autoplay loop> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio><map name = "Locations"> [<area shape= "poly" coords = "507,279,578,304,556,369,491,337" alt="FirstPassage" >]<HookLink1|(click: ?HookLink1)[(goto: "0")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "567,348,565,373,581,373,584,358" alt="SecondPassage" >]<HookLink2|(click: ?HookLink2)[(goto: "1")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "585,383,562,403,608,421,625,400" alt="ThirdPassage" >]<HookLink3|(click: ?HookLink3)[(goto: "2")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "601,287,592,359,694,393,728,322" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink4|(click: ?HookLink4)[(goto: "3")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "146,359,177,366,181,383,149,378" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink5|(click: ?HookLink5)[(goto: "4")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "252,340,370,335,376,363,253,379" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink6|(click: ?HookLink6)[(goto: "5")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "386,332,393,371,436,371,423,335" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink7|(click: ?HookLink7)[(goto: "6")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "441,306,471,310,471,343,453,343" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink8|(click: ?HookLink8)[(goto: "7")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "195,355,204,385,237,374,239,350" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink9|(click: ?HookLink9)[(goto: "8")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "37,347,104,321,128,384,74,419" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink10|(click: ?HookLink10)[(goto: "Desktop")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "79,305,15,332,6,17,33,22" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink11|(click: ?HookLink11)[(goto: "10")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "50,427,6,456,1,343,15,345" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink12|(click: ?HookLink12)[(goto: "11")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "89,465,182,457,207,587,164,596,99,565,85,492" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink13|(click: ?HookLink13)[(goto: "12")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "406,390,478,406,477,424,406,432" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink14|(click: ?HookLink14)[(goto: "13")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "518,425,645,467,628,560,521,520" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink15|(click: ?HookLink15)[(goto: "14")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "229,217,365,208,362,286,238,298" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink16|(click: ?HookLink16)[(goto: "15")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "347,310,385,310,381,324,357,323" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink17|(click: ?HookLink17)[(goto: "16")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "129,252,222,234,225,301,147,320" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink18|(click: ?HookLink18)[(goto: "17")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "99,302,112,296,124,299,136,343,123,349" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink19|(click: ?HookLink19)[(goto: "18")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "469,264,494,265,494,301,466,301" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink20|(click: ?HookLink20)[(goto: "19")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "417,245,410,302,433,307,457,278,461,270" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink21|(click: ?HookLink21)[(goto: "20")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "373,240,405,244,398,303,367,298" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink22|(click: ?HookLink22)[(goto: "21")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "501,429,263,480,294,597,490,597" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink23|(click: ?HookLink23)[(goto: "22")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "710,402,797,433,790,516,699,484" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink24|(click: ?HookLink24)[(goto: "23")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "740,303,734,364,771,368,782,309" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink25|(click: ?HookLink25)[(goto: "24")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "778,400,800,406,800,310" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink26|(click: ?HookLink26)[(goto: "25")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "510,188,511,244,571,238,559,198" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink27|(click: ?HookLink27)[(goto: "26")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "329,120,334,165,404,169,386,147" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink28|(click: ?HookLink28)[(goto: "27")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "72,73,175,63,192,195,124,214" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink29|(click: ?HookLink29)[(goto: "28")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "403,35,528,41,534,162,418,147" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink30|(click: ?HookLink30)[(goto: "29")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "795,67,599,50,599,186,800,218" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink31|(click: ?HookLink31)[(goto: "30")] </map>}
<style> body { background-image: url(""); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:100% 100%; ; } </style> <audio src="" autoplay loop> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio> (live: 4s)[(goto: "Untitled Passage")]
{<div class="img"><center><img src=""; width=auto% height=auto alt="Locations" usemap="#Locations"></center></div>}{<audio src="" autoplay > Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element.</audio><audio src="" autoplay loop> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element.</audio>}{<map name = "Locations"> [<area shape= "poly" coords ="301,232,303,212,339,197,334,249,302,264" alt="FirstPassage" >]<HookLink1|(click: ?HookLink1)[(goto: "43")][<area shape="poly"coords="431,286,469,270,495,294,484,320,460,331,437,320" alt="SecondPassage" >]<HookLink2|(click: ?HookLink2)[(goto: "33")][<area shape= "poly" coords="366,266,357,302,365,330,356,342,363,370,408,370,435,353,375,267" alt="ThirdPassage" >]<HookLink3|(click: ?HookLink3)[(goto: "34")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "389,273,420,323,435,279,412,265" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink4|(click: ?HookLink4)[(goto: "35")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "295,308,342,349,358,326,343,293,310,293" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink5|(click: ?HookLink5)[(goto: "36")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "287,276,319,270,336,283,299,290" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink6|(click: ?HookLink6)[(goto: "41")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "251,263,256,254,272,277,266,285" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink7|(click: ?HookLink7)[(goto: "37")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "250,204,249,225,258,249,285,268,295,214,294,208" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink8|(click: ?HookLink8)[(goto: "38")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "365,255,379,250,399,259,391,219,368,239" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink9|(click: ?HookLink9)[(goto: "39")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "303,238,303,261,355,267,353,242,359,226,362,211,345,223,333,231" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink10|(click: ?HookLink10)[(goto: "40")] [<area shape= "poly" coords = "362,147,382,152,372,181,372,201,354,200,359,176" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink10|(click: ?HookLink10)[(goto: "42")] [<area shape= "rect" coords = "612,368,512,429" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink11|(click: ?HookLink11)[(goto: "Untitled Passage")] [<area shape= "rect" coords = "508,91,601,132" alt="FourthPassage" >]<HookLink12|(click: ?HookLink12)[(goto: "44")]}
<style> body { background-image: url(""); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:100% 100%; ; } </style> (live: 2s)[(goto: "Untitled Passage")]
<style> body { background-image: url(""); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:100% 100%; ; } </style> (live: 2s)[(goto: "Untitled Passage")]
{<div class="img"><center><img src=""; width=auto% height=auto alt="Locations" usemap="#Locations"></center></div>} (live: 4s)[(goto: "Untitled Passage")]
<style> body { background-image: url(""); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:100% 100%; ; } </style> <audio src="" autoplay loop> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio> (live: 4s)[(goto: "Untitled Passage")]
<style> body { background-image: url(""); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:100% 100%; ; } </style> <audio src="" autoplay> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio> <audio src="" autoplay> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio> (live: 6s)[(goto: "Untitled Passage")]
{<div class="img"><center><img src=""; width=800% height=600 alt="Locations" usemap="#Locations"></center></div>} <map name = "Locations"> [<area shape= "poly" coords = "193,107,411,84,536,160,568,237,535,314,428,417,153,370,119,225" alt="FirstPassage" >]<HookLink1|(click: ?HookLink1)[(goto: "You Are Died")] <audio src="" autoplay loop> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio>
<style> body { background-image: url(""); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:100% 100%; ; } </style> <audio src="" autoplay loop> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio> (live: 11s)[(goto: "Untitled Passage")]
<div class="img"><center><img src=""; width=auto% height=auto alt="Locations" usemap="#Locations"></center></div> {<map name = "Locations"> [<area shape= "poly" coords = "7,490,70,493,65,588,3,587" alt="FirstPassage" >]<HookLink1|(click: ?HookLink1)[(goto: "Untitled Passage")][<area shape= "poly" coords = "20,87,65,101,60,164,11,158,10,117" alt="FirstPassage" >]<HookLink2|(click: ?HookLink2)[(goto: "lock")] [<area shape= "rect" coords = "11,296,70,380" alt="FirstPassage" >]<HookLink3|(click: ?HookLink3)[(goto: "google")][<area shape= "poly" coords = "20,87,65,101,60,164,11,158,10,117" alt="FirstPassage" >]<HookLink4|(click: ?HookLink4)[(goto: "lock")]<audio src="" autoplay > Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio> }
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<center>[[<img src=""; width=auto% height=auto alt="Locations" usemap="#Locations">->23]]</center><center>ITS A 4D OBJECT</center><center>WHERE DID THAT COME FROM</center> <audio src="" autoplay loop> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio>
<center>[[<img src=""; width=auto% height=auto alt="Locations" usemap="#Locations">->23]]</center><center>ITS A BUDDHA STATUE</center><center>OHM</center> <audio src="" autoplay loop> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio>
<center>[[<img src=""; width=auto% height=auto alt="Locations" usemap="#Locations">->23]]</center><center>ITS AN OLD TOY CAR</center><center>PROBOABLY MADE BY HOTWHEELS</center> <audio src="" autoplay loop> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio>
<center>[[<img src=""; width=auto% height=auto alt="Locations" usemap="#Locations">->23]]</center><center>ITS A RUBICS CUBE</center><center>PUZZLES ARE FUN</center> <audio src="" autoplay loop> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio>
<center>[[<img src=""; width=auto% height=auto alt="Locations" usemap="#Locations">->23]]</center><center>ITS AN OLD SMILEY FACE BOUNCY BALL</center><center>IT DOESNT BOUNCE LIKE IT USED TO</center> <audio src="" autoplay loop> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio>
<center>[[<img src=""; width=auto% height=auto alt="Locations" usemap="#Locations">->23]]</center><center>ITS A PINOT NOIR </center><center>BET ITS DELICIOUS</center> <audio src="" autoplay loop> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio>
<center>[[<img src=""; width=auto% height=auto alt="Locations" usemap="#Locations">->23]]</center><center>ITS A STRANGE BUG</center><center>WONDER IF ITS VENOMOUS</center> <audio src="" autoplay loop> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio>
<center>[[<img src=""; width=auto% height=auto alt="Locations" usemap="#Locations">->23]]</center><center>ITS A PINOT NOIR</center><center>BET ITS DELICIOUS</center> <audio src="" autoplay loop> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio>
<center>[[<img src=""; width=auto% height=auto alt="Locations" usemap="#Locations">->23]]</center><center>ITS AN OLD FIDGET SPINNER</center><center>NO TELLING HOW LOING ITS BEEN THERE</center> <audio src="" autoplay loop> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio>
<center>[[<img src=""; width=auto% height=auto alt="Locations" usemap="#Locations">->23]]</center><center>ITS AN OLD PACK OF CIGGS</center><center>THEY'RE PROBABLY STALE</center> <audio src="" autoplay loop> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio>
<center>[[<img src=""; width=auto% height=auto alt="Locations" usemap="#Locations">->Untitled Passage]] <center>pics from ellen</center> <audio src="" autoplay loop> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio>
(alert:"ROOT ACCESS REQUIRED") (set: $codeinput to (prompt: "ENTER PASSPHRASE")) (if: $codeinput is "4389-76-5E81-0311X2449")[(goto: "Unlock successful")] (else:)[(goto: "Wrong code.")]
<center><h1>Unlock successful</h1></center> <audio src="" autoplay loop> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio>
<center><h1>[[Wrong PassPhrase]]</h1></center> <audio src="" autoplay loop> Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio> (live: 2s)[(goto: "Desktop")]
<style> body { background-color: red; } </style> <center> <h1>DON'T</h1> </center> (live: .1s)[(goto: "dont")] { <audio src="" autoplay > Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio>}
<center><pre style="line-height: 1em;"><em style="color: white;"> ___-----------___ __--~~ ~~--__ _-~~ ~~-_ _-~ <h1>YOU ARE DIED!</h1> ~-_ / \ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _-------_ _-------_ | | | | /~ ~\ /~ ~\ | | || | | | | || || | | | | || || | | | | || | \_ / \ _/ | | ~~--_____-~ /~V~\ ~-_____--~~ | | | | | | | | | | | /^\ | | | ~~ ~~ | \_ _ _ _/ ~--____-~ ~\ /~ ~-____--~ \ /\ /\ / \ | ( , , ) | / | | (~(__( | )__)~) | | | \/ ( (~~|~~) ) \/ | | | [ [ | ] ] / | | | \ / ~-_ _-~ ~--___-___--~ </em></pre></center> <style>body { background-color: black; text-shadow: 9 9 9px #FF0000; } </style> (live: 5s)[(goto: "Untitled Passage")] <audio src="" autoplay > Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio>
<center>[[<img src=""; width=auto% height=auto alt="Locations" usemap="#Locations">->23]]<center>It's a large pistol.</center><center>Seems a lil excessive.</center>
<center>[[<img src=""; width=auto% height=auto alt="Locations" usemap="#Locations">->23]]
<style> body { background-color: green; } </style> <center> <h1>BE</h1> </center> (live: .1s)[(goto: "be")] { <audio src="" autoplay > Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio>}
<style> body { background-color: blue; } </style> <center> <h1>EVIL</h1> </center> (live: .1s)[(goto: "evil")] { <audio src="" autoplay > Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio>}
<style> body { background-color: yellow; } </style> <center> <h1>!</h1> </center> (live: .1s)[(goto: "Desktop")] { <audio src="" autoplay > Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element. </audio>}
<center>[[<img src=""; width=auto% height=auto alt="Locations" usemap="#Locations">->mimic 2]]</center>
<center>[[<img src=""; width=auto% height=auto alt="Locations" usemap="#Locations">->Untitled Passage]]</center><h1><center>[[FIGHT]] [[EVADE]]</center></h1>
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Double-click this passage to edit it.